Welcome Incoming 6th Graders and New Families!
We are so glad you and your family are joining the Longfellow Community! You probably have many questions about your new school, and we'll be happy to answer all of them! Here are the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions.
- How do I sign up for zero period music or 7th period jazz?
Simply come to the class the first day of school to register. Zero period students should come to the breezeway inside the Derby Street gate at 8:00 on Aug. 30.
- Does Longfellow have lockers?
No. Students must have their backpacks with them all day. Some students choose to get rolling backpacks.
- Does Longfellow have PE uniforms?
No. Students are required to change their clothes for PE class, but they can wear any clothes that are approriate for doing sports - shorts, sweats, T-shirts, and proper shoes.
You may bring a combination lock to secure your belongings during PE class. PE lockers are not for all-day use, just for your PE period.
- What school supplies do I need?
The teachers require every student to have a three-ring heavy-duty binder which includes
six tab dividers and a zippered pencil case to fit in the binder.
In addition, there are other basic supplies which students should bring to school everyday: 2 pens and 2 pencils, a highlighter, an eraser, a two pocket folder for homework, a 12-inch ruler, and lined notebook paper (3-hole).
- What is the LMS daily schedule?
Click here for the bell schedule.
- Are there any accommodations for 6th graders?
Yes! Most sixth grade classes are held in a building separate from the upper grade
- How will I know the expectations at Longfellow? Is there a guidebook?
Yes! The Student Handbook is printed in the planner you'll receive. If you'd like to review it now, click here for the full text
- How can parents keep up with what's going on at Longfellow?
We recommend parents sign up for the LMS eTree to receive email messages about campus life, announcements, and special events. Parents can click here to sign up for the eTree.
Longfellow Middle School
WriterCoach Connection (Conexión Coach de Escritura)
español abajo
The WriterCoach Connection will again be supporting every Longfellow 8th grader with individualized writer coaching. In partnership with teachers, WCC takes teams of trained volunteers into English classes to work one-on-one with every student in the class on their writing assignments.
For a commitment of less than two hours per week, during the school day, you can help students develop their ideas and writing skills. In 25- to 30-minute sessions, coaches engage students, challenge them to think more deeply, and offer encouragement. Because it is so well organized, many of our volunteers say that writer coaching is the most satisfying volunteer experience they have ever had.
You don’t need to be a writer or an educator. WCC coaches are parents, college students, working and retired people of all backgrounds. Our in-depth training will give you strategies to work effectively with every kind of writer and student, including your own. Volunteering with WriterCoach Connection is great way for 6th- and 7th-grade families to be involved at Longfellow and see what’s ahead for their students.
Pamela Fadem discusses her experiences as a Longfellow Middle School coach.
Pamela Fadem habla sobre sus experiencias en Longfellow como Coach de Escritura
La WriterCoach Connection (Conexión de Coach de Escritura) conocida como WCC en ingles, volverá a apoyar a todos los alumnos de 8º grado de Longfellow con entrenamiento individualizado para escritores. En asociación con los maestros, el WCC lleva a equipos de voluntarios capacitados a las clases de inglés para trabajar individualmente con cada estudiante de la clase en sus tareas de escritura.
Para un compromiso de menos de dos horas por semana, durante el día escolar, puede ayudar a los estudiantes a desarrollar sus ideas y habilidades de escritura. En sesiones de 25 a 30 minutos, los entrenadores involucran a los estudiantes, los desafían a pensar más profundamente y los alientan. Debido a que está tan bien organizado, muchos de nuestros voluntarios dicen que el coaching de escritores es la experiencia voluntaria más satisfactoria que jamás hayan tenido.
No es necesario ser escritor o educador. Los entrenadores del CMI son padres, estudiantes universitarios, trabajadores y jubilados de todos los orígenes. Nuestra capacitación en profundidad le dará estrategias para trabajar de manera efectiva con todo tipo de escritor y estudiante, incluido el suyo. Ser voluntario con WriterCoach Connection es una excelente manera para que las familias de sexto y séptimo grado se involucren en Longfellow y vean qué les espera a sus estudiantes.
To view all trainings, in and outside of Berkeley (the are the same everywhere), please go to http://www.writercoachconnection.org/volunteer-orientation---sign-up-here.html. You can also click a link there to register for a training.
Para ver todos los entrenamientos, dentro y fuera de Berkeley (son los mismos en todas partes), visite http://www.writercoachconnection.org/volunteer-orientation---sign-up-here.html. También puede hacer clic en un enlace para registrarse para una capacitación.