Welcome Incoming 6th Graders and New Families!
We are so glad you and your family are joining the Longfellow Community! You probably have many questions about your new school, and we'll be happy to answer all of them! Here are the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions.
- How do I sign up for zero period music or 7th period jazz?
Simply come to the class the first day of school to register. Zero period students should come to the breezeway inside the Derby Street gate at 8:00 on Aug. 30.
- Does Longfellow have lockers?
No. Students must have their backpacks with them all day. Some students choose to get rolling backpacks.
- Does Longfellow have PE uniforms?
No. Students are required to change their clothes for PE class, but they can wear any clothes that are approriate for doing sports - shorts, sweats, T-shirts, and proper shoes.
You may bring a combination lock to secure your belongings during PE class. PE lockers are not for all-day use, just for your PE period.
- What school supplies do I need?
The teachers require every student to have a three-ring heavy-duty binder which includes
six tab dividers and a zippered pencil case to fit in the binder.
In addition, there are other basic supplies which students should bring to school everyday: 2 pens and 2 pencils, a highlighter, an eraser, a two pocket folder for homework, a 12-inch ruler, and lined notebook paper (3-hole).
- What is the LMS daily schedule?
Click here for the bell schedule.
- Are there any accommodations for 6th graders?
Yes! Most sixth grade classes are held in a building separate from the upper grade
- How will I know the expectations at Longfellow? Is there a guidebook?
Yes! The Student Handbook is printed in the planner you'll receive. If you'd like to review it now, click here for the full text
- How can parents keep up with what's going on at Longfellow?
We recommend parents sign up for the LMS eTree to receive email messages about campus life, announcements, and special events. Parents can click here to sign up for the eTree.

Longfellow Middle School
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Longfellow PTA Annual Campaign
How can you help Longfellow Middle School?
Whether you can donate $5 or $5,000, all donations are significant and get us to our goal. We want everyone to be a part of the Longfellow Annual Fund, so you do not have to donate to participate in this contest to win a classroom party— just return this form!
To reach our goal, we need to raise $300 per student. Let's help Longfellow thrive!
Campaña Anual del PTA de Longfellow
¿Cómo puedes ayudar a Longfellow Middle School?
No importa si puedes donar $5.00 o $5,000, todas las donaciones son importantes y nos ayudan a llegar a nuestra meta! Queremos que toda nuestra comunidad participe en el Fondo Anual de Longfellow, donar dinero no es la única manera de participar en la rifa de la fiesta del salón— solo regrese este formulario. Para alcanzar nuestra meta necesitamos recaudar $300 por estudiante. ¡Ayudemos a Longfellow a prosperar!
The Longfellow PTA is a non-profit organization.
Donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Our tax ID number is 94-6181762
The Longfellow PTA is a non-profit organization. Donations
are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Our tax ID number is 94-6181762
Help us meet our goal
The Longfellow PTA provides critical support to students, teachers, and staff by funding programs essential for student success, beloved community-wide and cultural heritage events, grants for teachers, school supplies, and much, much more.
But we can’t do it without your help! The Longfellow PTA Annual Campaign is our biggest and most important fundraiser of the year. Together we can make it a success!
This year our goal is to raise $100,000 so that we can continue to provide wonderful enrichment programming to the Longfellow community.
To reach our goal, we need to raise $300 per student, which is approximately: $30 a month, $7.50 a week, Or $1.00 a day
What does $1.00 a day pay for?
Planners for every student
School-wide events & assemblies
Positive Behavior Incentives
After-school teams & clubs
Field trip scholarships
Emergency fund for families in need
Science & MakerSpace grants
Teacher classroom grants
Staff appreciation events & retreat
Community events like Dia de los Muertos, 8th Grade Dinner Dance, Winter Dance, Black History Month, picnics.
Ayudenos a lograr nuestra meta
La PTA de Longfellow provee apoyo indispensable a los estudiantes, maestros y personal de nuestra escuela. Con los fondos que se recaudan, se financian muchos de los programas esenciales para el éxito de nuestros estudiantes, eventos comunitarios y de herencia cultural, becas para los profesores, útiles escolares, y mucho, más.
Pero no podemos hacerlo solos. ¡Necesitamos su ayuda! La Campaña Anual del PTA de Longfellow es la recaudación de fondos más importante del año, y ¡Juntos podemos hacerla un éxito!
Este año nos hemos fijado la meta de recaudar $100,000, este monto nos permitirá continuar financiando los diferentes programas de enriquecimiento de Longfellow.
Para alcanzar nuestra meta necesitamos recaudar $300 por estudiante, lo que equivale a: $30 al mes, $7.50 a la semana, Or $1.00 al dia
¿Qué paga $1.00 al día?
Agendas para cada estudiante
Eventos de toda la escuela y asambleas.
Incentivos por buen comportamiento
Clubes y equipos después de la escuela.
Becas para paseos
Fondos de Emergencia para familias necesitadas
Becas para Ciencias y MakerSpace
Becas para los salones de maestros
Eventos de apreciación al personal & retiros
Eventos comunitarios, Cena-Baile de 8° grado, Baile de Invierno, Mes de la Historia Afroamericana, picnics, y más