Welcome Incoming 6th Graders and New Families!
We are so glad you and your family are joining the Longfellow Community! You probably have many questions about your new school, and we'll be happy to answer all of them! Here are the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions.
- How do I sign up for zero period music or 7th period jazz?
Simply come to the class the first day of school to register. Zero period students should come to the breezeway inside the Derby Street gate at 8:00 on Aug. 30.
- Does Longfellow have lockers?
No. Students must have their backpacks with them all day. Some students choose to get rolling backpacks.
- Does Longfellow have PE uniforms?
No. Students are required to change their clothes for PE class, but they can wear any clothes that are approriate for doing sports - shorts, sweats, T-shirts, and proper shoes.
You may bring a combination lock to secure your belongings during PE class. PE lockers are not for all-day use, just for your PE period.
- What school supplies do I need?
The teachers require every student to have a three-ring heavy-duty binder which includes
six tab dividers and a zippered pencil case to fit in the binder.
In addition, there are other basic supplies which students should bring to school everyday: 2 pens and 2 pencils, a highlighter, an eraser, a two pocket folder for homework, a 12-inch ruler, and lined notebook paper (3-hole).
- What is the LMS daily schedule?
Click here for the bell schedule.
- Are there any accommodations for 6th graders?
Yes! Most sixth grade classes are held in a building separate from the upper grade
- How will I know the expectations at Longfellow? Is there a guidebook?
Yes! The Student Handbook is printed in the planner you'll receive. If you'd like to review it now, click here for the full text
- How can parents keep up with what's going on at Longfellow?
We recommend parents sign up for the LMS eTree to receive email messages about campus life, announcements, and special events. Parents can click here to sign up for the eTree.

Longfellow Middle School
Advanced Art (7th/8th)
This course will provide layout and design concepts to aid in the production of display work for interdisciplinary subjects. Exploration of imagination and fantasy will be taught through surrealism. Art movements from cultures around the world, African Australian Aborigine, European, First Nations people and Latino, will be used as source material for projects.
AVID (7th/8th) – MUST APPLY
Advancement via Individual Determination (AVID) students choose an academic elective to prepare them for rigorous high school courses and a future in a four-year university.
AVID is by application only. If you applied, please list AVID as your first choice.
This course will give students the opportunity to work with their peers and others in a leadership role. Students learn to plan activities for the student body with goals of developing positive school culture and improving the feeling of community on campus. Students learn communication and teamwork skills. Other activities involve diversity education, poster making and recycling. The use of various media including film, and print are used to help students gain awareness of world issues and to feel empowered. In addition, our students learn public speaking skills through facilitating workshops.
Beginning Spanish is an introduction to the Spanish language through carefully selected resources and materials in order to develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Students are taught Spanish in communicative situations which encourage the use of these skills. Learning a new language also includes the study of the culture and people who speak the language. Various activities and projects are included to enhance cross-cultural understanding. This one year class is equivalent to one semester of high school work. It is expected that students taking Beginning Spanish will also take Intermediate Spanish the following year.
Spanish, Intermediate (8th) – MUST PASS BEGINNING SPANISH
This intermediate Spanish class is a continuation of the Beginning Spanish series with the utilization of more advanced materials and grammatical concepts. More projects, such as skits and presentations, are included in the curriculum to encourage further understanding of the Spanish language and culture. A final grade of B- or better is required to advance to the next level of Spanish. This one year class is equivalent to one semester of high school work.
Computer Classes:
Technology and Media (7th/8th)
Technology and Media will cover a range of creative projects including slide show presentations, posters, animations, web pages (HTML), 3-D architectural models, and original videos. Students will get an introduction to programming using Scratch and Python to create video games and other projects. They will use digital devices including cameras, camcorders, and scanner to gather media for projects.
Digital Arts
The Digital Art class will produce the monthly school newsletter. The class will cover page layout and design, digital photography, image adjustment, and graphics creation using both scanned and computer generated artwork. Students will be responsible for writing articles each month for the school newsletter, proofreading them, and making them print-ready while meeting a deadline.
Yearbook Publishing
Students will design and create the Longfellow Yearbook while learning skills in digital photography, file management, scanning, image adjustment, data management and organizational skills. Students will also learn principles of layout and design, appropriate use of fonts, and color composition, and they will learn the yearbook software to create their pages. All students will be expected to attend a school event to photograph for the yearbook.
Music Classes:
Band and Orchestra curriculum is based on the National and California Standards for music education. Students will study and/or perform a wide variety of musical styles and periods through listening, playing and composition.
Guitar (7th/8th)
In this class students will learn to play the guitar using popular rock, blues and R &B songs. Class structure is more individually-based and group –based rather than teacher based. Guitars are provided. Students don’t need any prior musical knowledge, but they will leave the class as a confident intermediate or advanced guitarist.
Zero Period Symphonic Band (7th/8th)
This class is open to 7th and 8th grade wind and percussion players. We play intermediate to advanced band music and we may also join with the orchestra at some performances. We also play music from all time periods and do more advanced theory study. We have opportunities to play in the community during the school day in smaller groups. 8th graders can attend the Cazadero Jumpstart in the fall. If you enjoy music, Zero period is a great way to advance your skills even further.
Zero Period Orchestra (7th/8th)
This class is open to all 6th-8th grade string players and 7th and 8th grade advanced wind players enrolled in AVID. We play music from Bach to Mozart to the Beatles to Green Day! We study music theory and music history and we break out to play in small groups. 8th grade students can attend the Cazadero Jumpstart in the fall. Music is a great way to start your school day! 8:10-8:55
Zero Period Chorus (6th-8th)
Students will practice and perform songs in small groups (bands) as well as whole class groupings. This is a big commitment that requires you be at school at 8:10 four days a week. No prior musical experience is necessary.